Joseph and Vada attended the same small-town high school, yet a friendship was never formed...other than her saying, "Hi, Joe." Following graduation, they went their separate ways...never knowing the whereabouts of the other.
Unable to attend the 50th class reunion, Joseph donated a three-ring binder, filled with his original poetry, for the silent auction. Vada was the lucky winner of the binder. After emailing him about her winning , they began communicating via email.
When Joseph discovered that this former classmate, hometown girl loved to write and had dreamed of being a published author, he knew that his prayers had been answered.
They learned that they both have a love for the past, for hometown, for homespun family values, and for the era they grew up in: the fabulous fifties and its music. In addition, both enjoy photography.
Vada resides with her husband in the Houston, Texas area, and Joseph resides with his wife in the Chicago, Illinois area.