Joseph and I welcome you to our world--the world of writing and photography and all that is involved with being published authors. We hope you will come to know us...and our writings.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Joseph and I are pleased to announce our Rockin' Chair Cowboys manuscript was accepted by our publisher. The following are excerpts from the evaluation team of OP.

"You have a great collection of stories and recipes here. Everything about it is nicely done. You have done a great job capturing your memories and committing them to paper. (This is not an easy feat.) Even though this is a personal narrative and your family is going to cherish this from generation to generation, you have written it in a way that many will enjoy and benefit from reading it."

She went on to say: "Your narrative voice is very familiar and friendly and you have a way with words. It is obvious that you have done your homework and put much thought and preparation into your work. Your book is well written. I wish more people would take the time to write their stories down like you have. I am ...sure it will be embraced by many. We can learn so much from reading the stories of other’s lives.

Lisa C.
Manuscript Evaluation Team,
Outskirts Press

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